Regulations for depositing research data
Depositor - a person posting metadata and data sets to the Research Data Repository. A depositor can only be a person with an active account in the WUT Base of Knowledge system (a person employed or studying at WUT).
Research data - data, collected, produced, observed during the research process, e.g. experimental notes, diaries, laboratory protocols, procedure descriptions, methodological descriptions, samples, artefacts, objects, text documents, questionnaires, surveys, audio or video recordings, photographs, images, database content (images, texts, audio and video recordings), software (scripts, input files), results of computer simulations, mathematical models, algorithms, etc.
Data set - an ordered collection of files, deposited in a repository.
Data steward - a person who verifies the correctness of data entered by authors before they are published, supporting depositors in uploading data to the Warsaw University of Technology Research Data Repository.
DOI (Digital Object Identifier) - a digital identifier for an electronic document, permanently assigned to an object.
Embargo - a period of time during which research data cannot be made publicly available. The length of the embargo depends on the author's obligations under, for example, provisions in grant agreements or the time required to publish research results.
Metadata - information in text form that describes research data in such a way that it is easy to find, identify and also manage.
Research Data Repository - an integral part of the WUT Base of Knowledge. It is used to collect, deposit, share, archive metadata and research data, employees and PhD students of Warsaw University of Technology.
Regulations for collecting and depositing research data in the Research Data Repository of Warsaw University of Technology
- Research data are collected in the form of:
- a. data sets with their metadata;
- b. metadata of data that have been published in external research data repositories.
- It is recommended to deposit files in open formats, e.g. for:
- a. text data - RTF, TXT, XML, ODT;
- b. images - TIFF 6.0, PNG, JPG, SVG;
- c. spreadsheets – CSV, TSV;
- d. geospatial data - GML, KML, ESRI Shapefile, TIFF;
- e. archives - ZIP, TAR, GZIP, 7Z;
- f. video files - Audio Codec (FLAC), MPEG-1 Audio, Audio, Layer 3, AIF, AVI, MPEG-4, OGG, WMF.
- It is acceptable to deposit data in other formats in cases where file conversion from specialised to open source software may affect data quality.
- The responsibility for depositing research data lies directly with the authors.
- The depositor assumes full responsibility for the research data posted and for any infringement of third-party copyright and property rights and related rights.
- Before publishing research data in the Repository, the depositor is required to obtain permission to deposit data sets on the site from all persons and entities having intellectual property rights to the data set in question.
- Deposited content may not:
- a. infringe any copyright or other intellectual property rights, including but not limited to patents, trademarks, trade secrets, publicity rights or other rights of any third party;
- b. contain threats, be offensive, harassing, defamatory, violate GDPR rules;
- c. contain computer viruses or any other code, files or programs that are designed or intended to damage, restrict, interfere with the proper functioning of any software, hardware or telecommunications equipment.
- The deposition of content that does not constitute research data is prohibited.
- Research data submitted to the Repository that violate these Regulations will be deleted by the Repository administrator without the author's consent.
- The deposited metadata and data sets are subject to verification by the data steward as to their completeness and correctness.
- If information is received from the data steward that the deposited research data is incorrect, incomplete or in breach of the applicable regulations, the author is obliged to make the suggested corrections immediately.
- Complete and verified data sets are assigned a DOI number by the data steward.
- Date sets with assigned DOI numbers cannot be removed by the depositor.
- Research Data Repository of Warsaw University of Technology allows depositors to version data sets. Each time a new version of research data is created, the depositor is obliged to indicate the changes with respect to the previous version.
- A condition for depositing research data in the Research Data Repository of Warsaw University of Technology is reading and accepting these Regulations.
Regulations for sharing from research data in the Research Data Repository of Warsaw University of Technology
- The model for sharing research data is determined by the depositor.
- Within the Repository it is possible to make data sets available in the following models:
- a. open – using Creative Commons or other open licenses (including the option to open the data after the embargo period expires)
- b. closed – e.g., when an invention is filed for patent protection, due to national security, data protection or copyright restrictions.
- Metadata of the research data in the Research Data Repository is made available without restrictions, under a CC0 license.
Regulations for using research data deposited in the repository
- Users of the Research Data Repository may view research data metadata and download open data sets free of charge.
- Use of research data made available under Creative Commons or other open licenses is permitted in accordance with the provisions of each license.
Additional information:
- Warsaw University of Technology is the administrator of personal data within the meaning of applicable regulations.
- Warsaw University of Technology reserves the right to amend the Regulations. If changes are made to the Regulations, Warsaw University of Technology will inform users of the change by posting the consolidated amended text on the WUT Main Library website.
- Research data deposited in the Research Data Repository of Warsaw University of Technology may be processed, for example, in order to send information about them to external systems (indexing the contents of data repositories). System administrators are not required to notify data authors of this fact.
- Warsaw University of Technology ensures long-term (at least 10 years) archiving of deposited data on its own servers, managed by WUT IT Centre.
- Warsaw University of Technology Research Data Repository is supervised by WUT Main Library.