Open Access - funding
- Introduction
- Elsevier
- Springer
- Emerald
- IoP
- Science
- Taylor & Francis
- Cambridge University Press
- IDUB Open Science
Open Access (OA)
The publication of an article in the gold open access model in a prestigious journal involves the payment of publishing costs (so-called APC: Article Processing Charge). The APC charge is intended to cover, in addition to standard editorial processes, the costs of administration and review management, the production of articles in PDF format or making the publication available on the publisher's server. This expense is covered by the authors of the publication or their funding institutions. Depending on the publisher, this can range from 1 000 to 5 000 EUR/USD/CHF.
Open access publishing can be funded by:
- Research project grants
- Open access publishing programmes under licences:
- National (Elsevier A, Springer)
- Consortial (e.g. ACS, RSC, IoP, CUP)
- University programmes (e.g. IDUB Open Science - for articles whose publication cannot be fully funded by national or consortial programmes).
The following tabs describe the individual programmes in detail.
If you have any questions, please contact the Reference Department: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.; phone no: 22 234 7300
Elsevier open access publishing programme under the national licence
The programme was closed after the pool of 1013 articles was used up for 2024. The programme is scheduled to resume in Q1 2025 after a new Elsevier national licence agreement is signed. The programme will include articles submitted to journals already in 2025. The list of journals covered by the programme will most likely remain the same as in 2024.
Authors eligible for the programme:
- A corresponding author affiliated with Warsaw University of Technology. In the publication process it is recommended to provide an e-mail address with the domain of the institution (
- According to the agreement, the corresponding author is the only author who manages the publication process of the article from submission to acceptance and corresponds with Elsevier on this matter.
The Elsevier 2022-2024 National Licence Agreement covers the publication of articles that are exempt from the Article Processing Charge (APC). The annual pool for this programme is currently 1013 articles.
- The programme is available for articles submitted to journals in 2024 and can only be used after the article has been accepted for publication if the programme pool has not been exhausted (the information about the possible discount that authors see when submitting a manuscript to a journal is only an indication that the publication meets the basic criteria of the programme).
The 2024 programme includes 1102 hybrid journals (updated 08.08.2024) from 7 Science Direct subject collections in line with the national licence restriction introduced in December 2022: Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology, Computer Science, Engineering, Health Sciences, Immunology and Microbiology, Mathematics and Physics and Astronomy; and from the Lancet group.
The programme excludes gold open access journals and some journals co-published by Elsevier, where open access publications are funded under special rules and cannot be implemented under the national programme. The programmes cover the following article types: Case Reports, Data, Full Length Articles, Micro Articles, Software, Reviews, Replication Study, Short Communications, Short Surveys, Videos, Practice Guidelines and Protocols.
The only fee covered by the programme is the Article Processing Charge (APC). Authors publishing in Programme A are exempt from the APC charge, which is presented by Elsevier on the Rights and Access form as a 100% discount.
Charges for additional services that may be requested by the author (prints, printed colour drawings, etc.) are billed separately, at the author's expense and without discount. The author receives a separate invoice for these services
Regarding the verification process for articles submitted to the programme, we inform you that:
- article information is sent by Elsevier to the local administrator at WUT (email for contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.), who, using the EOAP account, verifies that the author is affiliated with the institution and has indicated this affiliation on the title page of the article. In case of doubt, the local administrator contacts the author.
- If there are problems with the invoice issued for the data entered by the author, the author can report this to Elsevier at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Springer open access publishing programme under the national licence
The Springer OA program has been closed due to the exhaustion of the pool of available articles in 2024. Resumption of the Springer program will be possible in the 1st quarter of 2025 after the Ministry of Science and Higher Education grants funding for 2025 and after signing a new contract with the publisher. (updated 06.12.2024)
Authors eligible for the programme:
- A corresponding author affiliated with Warsaw University of Technology. In the publication process it is recommended to provide an e-mail address with the domain of the institution (
The Springer Open Choice programme includes:
- Springer hybrid journals. The list includes 1983 titles from the Springer core collection as well as 20 journals. The programme does not include the open access journals: BioMed Central and SpringerOpen.
- OriginalPaper, ReviewPaper, BriefCommunication, ContinuingEducation and other articles of a similar type. EditorialNotes, News, Letters are not included in the programme.
The programme allows open access articles to be published under a CC BY licence in Springer hybrid journals.
The costs of publishing articles under the programme are covered by Springer's national licence fee from Ministry of Education and Science funds.
In 2023, an unused portion (496 articles) of the 2022 pool and later a new pool of 1350 articles was available until 26 April.
How to take part in the Programme?
Presentation of the Open Access Systems Solution form for authors.
The procedure for deciding on open access publishing begins after the article has been positively reviewed. The corresponding author receives an email which contains a link to complete the publication process. The link leads to a page where one has to click 'Request login email' (see presentation, page 3), after which the author will receive a second email with a link to the Open Access Systems Solution form. In the form, the correspondent author must indicate his or her affiliation (see presentation, page 5) in a list that includes institutions covered by open access publishing agreements with Springer. The selected affiliation must be one of the author's affiliations given in the article. English names of Polish institutions appear in the list in the form, but the selection from this list serves only to confirm the author's affiliation, while the name of the institution in any language version may appear in the article. If, at the time of filling in the form, the pool of articles in the programme for a given year is not yet exhausted and the system recognises the selected institution as belonging to the programme, the form will display the information 'Open access at no cost to you' (see presentation, page 6), which refers to a national agreement covering all Polish academic institutions enrolled in the Springer licence. After clicking on 'Yes, submit for approval', the article information will be sent to the local administrator at the institution for affiliation verification. The author will be notified by email of the result of the verification (see presentation, page 9). Acceptance of publication in the OA programme means that the cost of publication will be covered by the national licence fee paid to Springer by ICM and funded by the Ministry of Education and Science.
After the corresponding author has completed the Open Access Systems Solution form, the information on the article together with the data provided by the author will be sent within 2 days to the local administrator at WUT (email for contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.), who, using the Article Approval Service (AAS) account, will verify if the author is affiliated with the institution and has indicated this affiliation on the title page of the article. If in doubt, the local administrator will contact the author.
The procedure described above is used by Springer to handle most hybrid journals, with the exception of some journals that have been marked as non-standard in the list of journals in column J. For these journals, the correspondence author will receive special handling instructions from the editors. Also in this case, the information on the article will be sent to the local administrator at the institution for affiliation verification.
Information about the programme is also available on the ICM - Virtual Library of Science website.
Open Publishing Programme under the ACM (Association for Computing Machinery) Consortium Licence
Authors eligible for the programme:
- Corresponding author affiliated with Warsaw University of Technology. It is recommended to provide an e-mail address in the institution's domain ( in the publication process
The programme includes:
- ACM journals, magazines and conference materials
The programme allows for open access publication at no charge: an unlimited number of articles in the Open Access mode for WUT employees.
An open access publishing programme under ACS 2023-2025 consortium licence
The programme runs from 1 January 2025 with a pool of 437 articles for 2025.
Authors eligible for the programme:
- A corresponding author affiliated with Warsaw University of Technology. It is recommended to provide an e-mail address in the institution's domain ( in the publication process.
The programme covers:
- 90 journals published by ACS (all titles in the list of journals available in 2025 are covered by the open access publishing programme), including 71 hybrid journals and 19 open access journals
- all article types except: Additions and Corrections, Expressions of Concern, Retraction, In This Issue, Introducing our Authors.
The programme allows open access publishing at no charge:
- under a CC-BY licence
- of 437 articles nationally. The pool is not divided by institution and articles are included in the programme in order of acceptance for publication
Note: the 'Manuscript Acceptance Date' sometimes referred to in articles as 'Revised' is the deciding factor.
Read more about ACS publishing programme
Authors who submit articles for review in an ACS journal should note that at this stage ('online manuscript submission process') they complete an online form in which they should select their affiliation from a list of institutions. Once the article has been accepted for publication, the author completes the Journal Publishing Agreement (JPA) form. The form automatically recognises from the previously indicated affiliation whether the article is eligible for the programme and offers the author OA publication under the programme with copyright. The author can also waive copyright, which does not exclude from the programme but is not recommended by ICM, or choose to publish in the traditional model. If the author chooses OA publication, the system sends information about the article to ICM, which checks that the appropriate affiliation is stated in the article, and confirms the article's inclusion in the programme. Authors who have not been offered inclusion in the programme after the article has been accepted can report to ICM at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. attaching an active DOI link to the article or, if this link is not active, the page(s) with the title, authors and affiliations from the accepted manuscript. Authors taking part in the programme can also obtain assistance from ACS at any stage of publication at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
An open access publishing programme under RSC consortium licence
The programme continues in 2025 with no limit on the number of articles.
Authors eligible for the programme:
- A corresponding author affiliated with Warsaw University of Technology. It is recommended to provide an email address in the institution's domain ( in the publication process.
The programme covers:
- RSC hybrid journals
The programme does not cover RSC titles published entirely in Gold Open Access format, such as:
- Chemical Science
- RSC Advances
- Nanoscale Advances
- RSC Chemical Biology
- Materials Advances
- Environmental Science: Atmospheres
The programme allows open publication without charge:
- under CC-BY licence
- an unlimited number of articles in the form of Open Access for WUT employees
In order to take part in the programme, the OA model must be selected in the form specifying the conditions of publication.
An open access publishing programme under EMERALD consortium licence
The programme runs with a pool of 2 articles until the end of 2025.
Authors eligible for the programme:
- A corresponding author affiliated with Warsaw University of Technology. It is recommended to provide an e-mail address in the institution's domain ( in the publication process.
- journals from the Premier collection to which WUT subscribes.
The programme allows open publication without charge:
- under CC-BY licence
Articles will be included in the programme in order of acceptance for publication.
Authors who submit an article for review, should fill out an online form in the ScholarOne system, in which they should indicate their institution under 'primary affiliation' (only this primary affiliation is eligible for the Emerald programme), provide an email address in the domain of this institution and tick the selection 'Yes. I want to publish open access', as shown in the brochure. Once the article has been accepted for publication, Emerald will contact the author regarding the licence. If the article is eligible for the programme and the programme pool is not exhausted, Emerald will offer a CC-BY licence to publish open access at no cost to the author (a so-called ‘voucher’). If the article is not eligible or the pool is exhausted, Emerald will offer a choice: free publication in the subscription module (Emerald Copyright) or open publication at the author's expense. Authors taking part in the programme can also get help at any stage of publication in Emerald at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
An open publishing programme under IOP consortium licence
The programme runs from 1 January 2025. with an unlimited pool for 2025.
Authors eligible for the programme:
- A corresponding author affiliated with Warsaw University of Technology. It is recommended to provide an e-mail address in the institution's domain ( in the publication process.
The programme covers:
- hybrid and fully open access IOP journals and
- all types of publications
The programme allows open access publication without charge:
- under a CC-BY licence
- an unlimited number of articles accepted for publication in the current year
- the pool is not separated by institution and articles are included in the programme in the order in which they are accepted for publication.
The IOP identifies articles eligible for the programme based on the affiliation provided by the corresponding author in the form when submitting the manuscript to the journal and, once the article has been accepted for publication, sends information about the article to ICM. After verifying that the appropriate affiliation is given in the article, ICM confirms the article's inclusion in the programme. Under the new system introduced by IOP in 2021, the author fills in an additional form either during the review process or immediately after acceptance of the article. In this form, the author has the option to choose OA publication within the programme or with copyright. If the author opts out of OA publication or notifies the publisher that they wish to cover the costs from another source, the article is not included in the programme. Authors who do not receive a proposal for inclusion in the programme with their accepted article can submit to ICM at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. attaching the page(s) with the title, authors and affiliations from the accepted manuscript. Information about the programme is also available on the publisher's website.
Science open access publishing programme under the national licence
The program has expired. The program is scheduled to resume in the 1st quarter of 2025 after receiving funding from the Ministry of Science and after signing a new national license agreement Science
Authors eligible for the programme:
- A corresponding author affiliated with Warsaw University of Technology. It is recommended to provide an email address in the institution's domain ( in the publication process.
The programme is an addition to the national licence for access to the Science journal for 2019-2021.
The Science journal operates on a subscription model only, with a separate Science Advances journal for open access publishing.
The national Science licence fee funded by the Ministry of Education and Science covers the cost of publishing up to 10 articles from Poland per year in the Science Advances journal. The offer is available to corresponding authors affiliated with Polish institutions covered by the Science licence who have indicated this affiliation on the title page of the article. The publisher himself identifies such articles, but corresponding authors whose articles have been accepted for publication may additionally contact the ICM at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to take part of the programme.
Taylor & Francis
Open publishing programme under the T&F consortium licence
The programme has been closed as the entire pool of available articles has been used up. A resumption of the TF programme will be possible in Q1 2025 after the funding for 2025 has been granted by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education and a new contract with the publisher has been signed. (updated 16.12.2024).
Authors eligible for the programme:
- A corresponding author affiliated with Warsaw University of Technology. It is recommended to provide an e-mail address in the institution's domain ( in the publication process.
The programme covers all the hybrid (‘Open Select’) journals, see the July 2024 list (“Open Select” tab), including the most widely read journals, which are additionally listed under the High Impact tab. The current list of Open Select journals can be generated on the publisher’s website, where the ‘Open Select’ status and the Routlege and Taylor&Francis publishers must be ticked (our licence does not include journals with ‘Full open access’ status or Dove Press).
- the programme covers specific types of articles
- articles will be included in the programme in the order in which they are received for publication
Once the publishing programme is launched, the publisher's system will automatically qualify articles that are eligible for publication under the programme based on the affiliation provided by the corresponding author at the article submission stage, the journal title and the article type. This pre-qualification will take place as soon as the article is accepted for publication and, at this point, the system will also check whether the programme's article pool for the year is not exceeded and, in the case of an article in a High Impact journal, whether the article pool for that group for the year is not exceeded. If the article qualifies for the programme, the author will receive an email from the publisher informing them of this possibility and a second email with a link to the “Author Publishing Agreement” form, see presentation for authors. If the author indicates on the form that they wish to use the programme, the article will then be routed to an administrator at ICM who, in consultation with the participating institutions, will verify the author's affiliation and accept or reject the article to/from the programme. If the article is rejected, the publisher's system will ask the author to fill in the agreement form again and choose either open access publication at their own expense or in a subscription model.
Also available: general information for authors about publishing in Taylor&Francis journals on the publisher's website, a page with a description of the publication programmes under the transformation agreements in each country (a description of the Polish programme will be added after the new agreement is signed), contact for authors about articles (details to be clarified) This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Cambridge University Press
An open access publishing programme under CUP consortium licence
The programme was closed after the 2024 article pool was used up. The programme will resume in Q1 2025 with a new pool as soon as the contract is signed.
Authors eligible for the programme:
- A corresponding author affiliated with Warsaw University of Technology. It is recommended to provide an email address in the institution's domain ( in the publication process.
The programme covers:
- 376 CUP open access and hybrid journals, but an author from a given institution is only entitled to publish for free in open access in journals from the collection to which the institution subscribes. The author can check this on a dedicated page on the publisher's server.
The programme allows open publication without charge:
- under a CC-BY licence
- of 30 articles for the entire consortium (including a maximum of 5 OA articles free of charge per institution).
The programme allows publication free of charge for authors of articles accepted for publication in the current year.
Corresponding authors who send an article for review should demonstrate their institutional affiliation, e.g. by providing their Orcid ID. The use of an institutional email is also recommended to facilitate identification of the author's institution. After the reviews and once the article has been accepted by the journal's editorial team, the author will receive an email with a link to the relevant journal's website, which contains the forms necessary to prepare the licence agreement. An author who wishes to publish an open access article should choose one of the two forms in the 'Open Access Articles' section and select the Creative Commons licence version. The choice of form depends on whether the copyright holder of the publication is the author(s) of the publication or their employer(s). Once the author has completed and submitted the form, the article is routed for publication approval within the programme by the coordinator, and once the process is complete, the author will receive an email confirming that the article will be published in open access. The whole process is described in details in "Step-by-step guide to publishing Open Access in Cambridge Journals".
IDUB Open Science
The program has been closed - the 2025 funding has been exhausted.
As part of the Open Science programme, financial support for the publication of scientific articles in the OA formula is offered in the ‘Excellence Initiative - Research University’ project. The beneficiaries of the programme can be employees and doctoral students of Warsaw University of Technology whose scientific output is taken into account in the evaluation of the scientific activity of the University.
Financial support is granted for the publication of articles in journals from the first two deciles according to the current CiteScore factor of the Scopus database. Lists of journals are made available on the IDUB project website.
Financial support is provided in an amount not exceeding PLN 20,000 gross as follows:
- 100% fee for publishing an article in a journal from the first decile - in the case of articles whose corresponding author or the majority of authors are affiliated to Warsaw University of Technology (max. PLN 20, 000);
- 100% fee for publishing an article in a journal from the second decile - for articles in international collaboration, where the corresponding author or the majority of the authors are affiliated to Warsaw University of Technology (max. PLN 20, 000);
- 75% fee for publishing an article in journals from the first or second decile in the case of articles in international collaboration majority of whose authors are not affiliated to Warsaw University of Technology (max. PLN 15, 000);
- 50% fee for publishing of an article in a journal from the second decile - in the case of articles whose corresponding author or the majority of authors are affiliated to Warsaw University of Technology (max. PLN 10, 000);
- proportionally to the percentage of authors affiliated to Warsaw University of Technology for publication in other cases.
The regulations of the Open Science programme and the application form are available on the Warsaw University of Technology - Research University website.
Frequently asked questions:
How long does it take to process an application?
5-10 working days.
Does the programme cover funding for additional features (e.g. front cover, colour printing, graphical abstract) offered by the publisher??
No, the programme only provides financial support for publishing scientific articles in the OA format. It does not cover any additional services offered by the publisher.
Is there a publication limit per applicant?
There is no publication limit per applicant. Funding is decided by the Open Science Committee (after taking into account the formal requirements described in the regulations and the availability of funds).
When is it possible to apply for Open Science funding?
Articles that have passed the peer review process and have been accepted for publication are eligible for the programme.
I’m planning to publish an article in an Open Access journal, can I reserve funds from the programme?
It is not possible to reserve funds. Publications that have passed the peer review process and have been accepted for publication are eligible for the programme.
I have received funding. What data should the invoice be issued for?
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The journal in which I intend to publish is covered by a national or institutional funding programme. Can I apply for funding from Open Science?
No, journals covered by other full-funding programmes should be funded by those programmes in the first place. Only after the limits provided for a given year have been exhausted the author can apply for funding from IDUB Open Science